Oh my. It’s hard to get excited about the upcoming week, I’ll be honest. I’ve been exhausted for weeks now with this mild illness that I just can’t shake. Sometimes I wish I would just be all out sick so I would take the time to get over it. I’ve also got multiple canker sores from hormones/stress, and my wisdom tooth has caused an infection. I am a hot mess, y’all.
Anyways, let’s see… What am I looking forward to this week?
- The 60-Day Challenge is about to start at my bikram yoga studio. I’m thinking about trying to do a 30-Day set, but I’m not committed yet (see above “exhaustion”). At the very least, this activity that I’ve been doing lately will be cheaper, and that’s nice.
- I’m going to see The Homecoming at the ACT on Friday. Harold! Pinter! Power! Sex! After being underwhelmed by Clybourne Park I’m really hoping for a winner here.
- I am going to see a bluegrass show Monday night.
- Ryan and I are planning a trip to celebrate our anniversary. Indulgent, right? Yep!
- Steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow morning. It’s the Trader Joe’s microwavable kind- no muss, no fuss.
Anyways I am TAKING IT EASY this week. I just want to feel better!