So I’ve got about  three weeks left to finish Thomas’s socks. What do I do? Do I buckle down and get busy? No! Of course not! Instead I started a new project :).
I stopped by Imagiknit today with Ryan to audition yarns for his hat. The bulky and soft Merino based Rowan Cocoon was the winner, and the Hill Country Hat easily filled my needs (although honestly I feel like seed stitch on hats is pretty hit or miss). It’s going F-A-S-T. I finished about a third of the hat in 45 minutes, but that’s what happens when you use size 10 1/2 needles.
It’s a pretty fun pattern. Unfortunately so far the cool texture of the stitch isn’t really showing due to the darkness of the yarn. I’m hoping that it will show a little better when it’s actually on the head.
Given time constraints, I gave up on the Java Socks today and started over, with a simple 2×2 ribbed sock. Here’s 30 minutes on size 1 needles. Oy. It’s gonna be a while!
My crappy night shots really don’t do the yarns any justice. They are both quite lovely yarns.