It’s funny how wanderlust works. Going away on holiday doesn’t scratch the itch- it spreads the rash! I’ve been back a month and I’m ready to go again.
Here’s my current travel wishlist:
-India/Nepal/Burma (Every ex-pat/random traveller I met on my trip was like “BURMA! Go now!” so I must abide.) This one might happen in December? Mayyyyybe?
-New Orleans for my roommate’s “Cookies & Cream” dirty 30 birthday party<- with an actual date and agenda this one is the most likely to happen.
-Thailand again (This time to hit the islands in the south. I want to try this “diving” thing people talk about 🙂 )
-Hong Kong/Macau (aka the trip of fall 2011 that never happened. I already have the guidebooks)
-Vietnam (It would be nice to see my long lost family again.)
-Buenos Aires
This list is kind of greedy, but I can dream, right?