Favorites from Craigslist: I’m on Craigslist every day for fun and see some crazy stuff. Might as well share the LOLs.
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Need Exorcist (ingleside / SFSU / CCSF)
I have a very possessed snake in my homestead that needs an exorcism. It started a few months back when I bought some items from a flea market and a series of strange events accord that seemed to be centered around my snake. It normally never moves and is very friendly, but one day I tried to touch and it just snapped, bit me twice and tried to escape its cage. I tried not to think much about it until the signs of demonic possession were indubitable. I was doing push ups and I hear something like parseltongue whispering in my ear. I get up and see my snake slithering up the wall of my room backwards. Which is impossible. I did what any god fearing man would do; through in its cage and put weights on the lid to make sure it can’t get out. This was less than 24hours ago. Its grown 6 inches since that time. I need a practiced professional exorcist that has dealt with demons beyond gods power. Holy water and prayer will not work.Reply please!!
Keywords: preacher, priest, nun, spiritual
Too good.