
Impromptu Family Lunch


I posted this photo on my Instagram last week, but thought it might make sense to post it here too for my mom to see.

My aunt Jean lives in New Jersey. I’d heard my mom mention that my cousins Devin and Andrew were in LA visiting for a few weeks. And yet when I got an 8:40 am call from my aunt asking if I wanted to get lunch I was still shocked. My family just doesn’t make it to San Francisco very often. Like… what? Lunch? Ok!

My aunt and cousins were on some weird asian tour where they only had a few hours of free time before getting back on the bus. So, I shuffled things around to see them. We went to the Ferry building, sat by the water and talked business, which is probably the one thing that my family as a whole is most passionate about. CASH CASH MONEY. $$$. Well, family, then money. We talked the whole way back, realizing by the time I’d walked up to my office that we’d forgotten to take a picture together. And so- we took a photo next to my crazy desk at work. Totally more scenic than the Embarcadero, hahah.

It was good seeing them, especially since I never make it out to Jersey. Talking to my aunt about her latest business success definitely inspired me to keep messing around with side business ideas. Or rather, it’s giving me a swift kick in the ass to actually DO something. “Just try it, do a little bit, and see how it goes. You have to be willing to try” she says. When she said it, it made total sense to me. I’ve been in my head overanalyzing all the different things that I could do. My problem is that I really  just need to DO  something, anything. Then I can analyze and see if it’s working. I’m still thinking, but I’ve got some plans brewing.