Like most adults who work the traditional office 9-5, I spend my days working hard, and sending tons of links to my friends and coworkers via Gchat, messenger, or Skype. It’s almost like we speak in links. This is a roundup of my faves from the week.
Woo hoo Friday! Let’s read some links!
Rookie interviewed Big Freedia. I wish Rookie existed 20 years ago. It’s the magazine teenage girls deserve. Sigh…
It’s ok to be happy where you are right now, without hoping for expansion/growth/bigger/better.
I got all teary eyed reading this proposal story. What’s wrong with me????
This proposal on the other hand made me shake my head. Creepy!
Everybody shops for groceries differently. There’s no one right way to do it, and there’s no reason to feel guilty about it.
An Ai Weiwei exhibit is coming to Alcatraz! You can never have enough Ai Weiwei.
I’ve been using this widget from NPR to discover new(ish) books to read.
More than 200 hidden paintings have been discovered at Angkor Wat! So cool.
The SF Police Dept is finally doing something about bike theft in the city. They set up “bait bikes” rigged with tracking technology and allow the thieves to steal them, then they POUNCE. Sounds like a fun job, actually.
If only I had $35 million dollars, I could own this mansion with a replica of the bridge from Star Trek: TNG. MAKE IT SO.
This dog is more bad ass than me. And you too probably.
Did you know you can watch performances from the Metropolitan Opera online? For a fee, of course…
I’ve been looking into different types of exercise lately, and stumbled across this NYMag piece on the “cult of SoulCycle” during my research. Too bad I don’t have $30+ to pay per class. That’s nuts!
Helen Mirren doesn’t regret not having a child. Preach.
Here’s a photojournalism series on “Boondockers” – people who live in their cars. If you’re interested in living in a car/RV, here’s a great guide.
It’s almost time for the SF Movie in the Park series! Schedule here. The first movie is Ghostbusters!
Fat shaming still exists in opera. Really? Do these critics know how singing works?
The Chipotle Cultivate Food/Music Festival is coming back to SF! It was an absolute mess last year, but I liked seeing the bands.
Bobby Flay has a webseries on on fitness. It’s basic stuff, but kind of charming to watch.
Cee Lo played at RiverFest in Little Rock and I guess it was terrible. RiverFest is cancelling payment!
These Amazon reviews for Sugar-Free Haribo Gummi Bears are hilarious. I know it’s wrong, but I kind of want to try them.
Happy weekend!