Week 2! Here we go!
Saturday 2/8
- Brunch @ Pork Store -15
- Golden Produce-12.00
- Safeway-22.61
- Whole Foods-14.85
- BART 3.70
- Clothes shopping-41.00
- Cab to house party (heavily raining that night)-13
Sunday 2/9
- Cab to Chinatown 5K race (still heavily raining…)-15
- MUNI-2
- Safeway-9 (I really really wanted salmon for dinner)
Monday 2/10
- BART-3.70
Tuesday 2/11
- BART-3.70
- Chipotle-7.00
Wednesday 2/12
- BART-3.70
Thursday 2/13
- Our landlord turned off all the water, so I went scrambling to Whole Foods for a quickie lunch! -9 🙁
- Dry cleaning-11
- Valentine’s Present-21
Friday 2/14
- Lunch with coworkers-10
- Sushi takeout-35
Food (100 budget) 88 cents to spare
Transportation 44.80- yikes this was way too much 🙁
Laundry -11
Presents -21
Play money (70 budget)- 75
This week was tricky because I bought some clothes on Sunday and took a few cabs which added up. I busted my budget on fun stuff by 5 bucks but it was for Valentine’s Day so don’t feel bad about that.
As you can see on Saturday, I put in a lot of effort with the grocery shopping. I went to three shops in a row, hoping to cut costs. Golden Produce is still such a winner. I filled my cart full of fruits and veggies, and only owed 12 bucks.
This week I’m going on a quick trip to Santa Cruz, so I’ll need to cut my grocery bill much further. Also I’ll try to bike to work on most days. Sigh. Altogether I’m feeling pretty good about being halfway done with this experiment, but even with my generous budget it can be hard to not go over. Going out is a killer. At least my wallet is happy.