I went to Los Angeles to see my folks a few weeks ago, and all in all it was a pretty good trip. Normally trips to LA overwhelm and depress me (being surrounded by 5-20+ kids at all times will do that), but this time I stuck to the essentials- good food and honest conversation with my family. I managed to have a good time in spite of myself.
First up, pork and pumpkin dumplings and the mysterious sounding “BEEF ROLL”.Â
My uncle said that beef roll was kind of like a Chinese burrito, which is why I wanted to try it. As you can see, it’s not quite true. I mean where’s the aluminum foil? It was still incredibly good, however. I am interested in trying SF variations if I can find them.
The beef roll was followed up by a stop at Half and Half for some pudding boba.Â
The portions are approximately the size of my cousin’s head.
Later that night my mother and I went to President Thai. She’d read about it in the paper. I was impressed that she’s keeping up with the (non pho-related) food scene. She is so restaurant obsessed.
Oops.. it’s a papaya salad, except DEEP FRIED.Not what I was expecting when I ordered this.
These are some really great chili paste clams.
The next morning my grandmother made banh xeo, like she normally does on “special” occasions. I saw her make the batter, and she used Heineken??? Odd, no? I’m definitely going to ask for the recipe.
My aunt wanted to take me to Huntington Library, followed by a swim at CalTech (er… I don’t have any pictures of that).
Don’t I look just like a bonsai?
Then I had my mom’s pho for lunch…
And a Brazilian guarana drink for the drive to the airport!
I am almost looking forward to going back to LA for the holidays, if it means I can have pudding boba and beef rolls again.