Hello from the infamous slow boat to Luang Prabang!
So far its been a total hot mess where our tour guide keeps trying to jack us for $. Little things, conveniences such as getting our Thailand exit stamp for us, to trying to convert money, to getting us a room in Laos. I guess I’m naturally mistrustful because I said no every time. I’ve read too much Lonely Planet I guess.
Anyways I’m currently drinking Beerlao(national beer of Laos) and hanging out for the next eight hours on this boat. Then tomorrow we’ll do it all again.
Best things about Laos so far:
It’s beautiful
They have french baguette sandwiches just like Vietnam
They take US $ and Thai Baht
People seem friendly
Worst things:
You have to take malaria meds here. Lots of people are really sick from Malarone (I’m on Doxy)
You have to suffer to get to paradise.
I am the hero for the day because with my combined internet and Lao phrasebook I helped my roomie order Plan B. Yes, they have it at the border pharmacy.
Anyways back to boat time. Feeling very far away from home these days.