Random Internet Thing

Haven’t done one of these in a while, but every time I tried to get one together, I felt like my links were too old. But no matter, let’s look at some links!

First off, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir singing their parody of “Stay with me.” Preeeettttty great.

I’ve read 21. How many of these 100 “great” novels have you read?

Even better, how many of Marilyn Monroe’s library of books have you read? Growing up I always thought Marilyn was a bit of a ditz, but it seems like she knew what she was doing to some extent. I’ve been surprised to learn how athletic and bookish she was.

The real history behind J Crew clothing spinoff Madewell (aka our culture’s current obsession for buying things with history/a story)

50 underwhelming musician real names

RookieMag interviewed young female artists and asked how they make an artistic life work as a career

Back when I was feeling down last month, I watched the Roosevelts documentary, and it made me feel a lot better seeing how Theodore, Eleanor and Franklin handled their own varying levels of depression (Cliff’s notes version: Theodore and Eleanor kept themselves incredibly busy, Franklin did things for other people and brooded a lot). Ken Burns documentaries are easy to make fun of, but this one was pretty great, even if it was 14 hours long. You can watch it on demand on PBS and the Fresh Air interview with Burns is a good teaser if you’re on the fence.

And after you’ve watched the first two episodes, you might find this Teddy Roosevelt DirtBag article funny.

Ask Polly moved over to NYMag- Here she answers the difficult question “Why don’t the men I date ever truly love me?” 

I just discovered Bee & PuppyCat. Where have they been all my life?

The Economist explains why South Korea is so Christian

Interesting interview with Andre 3000… errr Andre Benjamin about what he’s been up to lately. Especially interesting is how he’s trying to make his artistic life work with being an active dad.

9 must try Vietnamese drinks. What, no avocado shakes?

Cosmonaut crashed to Earth crying in rage. The story is a bit more complicated, but it makes you feel something, right?

I’ve been disillusioned with the SF hot restaurant scene for quite a while now. The fun is just gone. Here, let there be an airing of grievances!!!

Here’s a free e-book that a grad student made for her final project. It’s a cookbook for people who receive SNAP benefits (food stamps).

It takes a lot of work to make good matcha.

Bored at work? How about participating in Office Roleplaying on Facebook?

My favorite mortician was on Fresh Air! Wait, that sounds weird…

Are you following Four Loko on Twitter? You’re missing out. It’s one of the most ridiculous accounts I’ve ever seen.

An informative interview with a professional taxidermist.

Basic Bitches from Literature. Thank god they called out Daisy Buchanan. The entire time I was reading the Great Gatsby I couldn’t get over how terrible she was.

Camping season isn’t over! Here are the best spots 2 hours out from San Francisco.


Fall Update from the Trenches: Running, Feeling Down, and Everything Else

Screenshot 2014-09-25 at 10.22.56 PM

My mom mentioned that I hadn’t posted on my blog in a while (and I hate it when she’s right), so here we go.

I was talking to her about my half marathon, and how it was slightly unreal that it was a mere month away. I’ve been training for four months, folks! A third of a year! Are you kidding me? Time flies!

She wished me well, then reminded me to be careful. “Oh, I’m careful with my training, I’ll try to avoid injury, especially with all the hills” I was thinking of the epic wipeouts that I’d seen at the Chase Corporate Challenge the previous week. There was a straight up ambulance loading someone up at the finish line. What could possibly happen in 3.35 miles??????


Pre-race glamour shot

“No, no, Tracy! You need to be careful! There are crazy people out there! You heard about the guy at the White House? He climbed the fence and just went into the White House! Watch out!!!”

Oh mom, you are adorable. Don’t worry, nobody is going to try to bomb the Columbia Gorge. The more I look at those course photos, the more excited I am for the race. It was listed in Active.com’s “10 Must Do Marathons” for its killer views and waterfalls. Although I think the Great Wall of China Marathon probably wins for epic-ness.

Listen to me, I sound like a runner. It’s weird. While it’s true that last Sunday I ran 10.28 miles, and I’ve been running with my work run club somewhat regularly, it’s also true that every single run is tough. It doesn’t really get easier, folks. 10 miles or 3 miles. Inertia is still a pain in the ass.

The toughness of running aside, overall training for the last four months has been actually pretty easy to maintain. When I choose to do something, I just… do it? Unfortunately it has required quite a bit of structure around my life, and I found myself a bit more isolated than usual, turning down happy hour drinks in favor of being sober for my weight lifting, or getting up extra early to bust out a 3-5 mile run. When I could I packed in happy hours and important social events.  At night I fell asleep easily as I collapsed in exhaustion.

At the same time, my boyfriend and my housemates fell deeper down the workout rabbit hole, and our conversations became all about workouts and nutrition. We called each other “brah” and shared protein powder. We were watching each other on MyFitnessPal, “encouraging” each other’s weightloss, with a bit of envy thrown into the mix. I contracted a mysterious illness which I brushed off as allergies. I WAS DOING PILATES AT 7AM VIA YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Who was I becoming?

My days became a blur of activity, but when I tried to write an “End of Summer” wrapup for this blog, I felt so empty looking at my calendar. There on my GCal was a list of endless fun activities: pool parties and operas, festivals and movies, Kanye even! And yet I felt nothing.


Yeezy what is life all about???

It occurred to me that I had fallen into a bit of a rut and had become slightly depressed. This happens every now and then,but for some reason my summer blues were pervasive. It got worse before it got better.

Mood disorders are  a mystery. I’m honestly not sure how I got through it. I just did what I always do, I persevered. Threw myself into my work. Made choices, made plans for the future even though that seemed so far away. I learned new things and tried to push forward. Surrounded myself with good people. Saw my family. Oh, and saw my doctor! It turned out that I had a chronic nasal infection which had burst my eardrum!! WTH 🙁

Time passed, the feelings passed. I can safely say that I’ve made it through another round of feeling crappy. Thanks to everybody who put with me- you are all true friends. As we go into autumn, a dark time that can trigger so many insecurities, I hope you all take it easy on yourselves. Keep on fighting the good fight.




Staving Off Death & Fat: AKA Gettin’ Fit or Why Did I Sign up for a Half Marathon?

Ever since I got another office job and seriously took up regular running (about a year ago), I’ve gained 5-10 pounds that will not budge (and no, it’s not muscle. I wish). Running makes you hungry. So hungry. I’ve tried a number of things over the past year to jump start the weight loss, and my current fitness routine sounds like something that the old me from a year ago would probably have mocked relentlessly.

  • Running several times per week (wait, why am I not skinny yet?)
  • Gymming (nothing new here)
  • Calorie counting (strangely addictive for an Excel addict)
  • Biking to work (a given)
  • Measuring calorie expenditure with a heart rate monitor and FitBit (Also addictive)
  • Cutting back on alcohol (0_0)
  • Strength training (LIFT HEAVY)
  • Yoga (it’s nice to do it again)
  • Zumba (Suburban mom joke- NO! FUN!)
  • Insanity (in small doses)
  • Organic Grass Fed Protein powder!

When I look back at this list, it makes me laugh. Together, it all looks a bit overwhelming and extreme, but it happened bit by bit, and it’s now just a part of my life. My weight has gone up and down throughout this process, but thankfully my fitness level continues to progress. In fact, about a month ago I hit a personal fitness milestone! I ran 7 miles on my weekend long run. And I didn’t even hurt the next day! INCONCEIVABLE! While I’ve run that distance before, that was years ago, and damn it hurt hard the day after. Something about hitting that milestone made me think, hey, maybe I could run a half marathon? And so I signed up for one to run with my friend Michelle. I cobbled together a personal training plan in Google Calendar, and currently I’m on Week 6 of a 20 Week training plan. I’ve got a couple of goals:

  1. Finish
  2. Don’t get hurt
  3. Lose these stubborn adult pounds.
  4. Get a decent photo at the half marathon. My photo at the Chinese New Year’s 5k was like a bigfoot spotting.

Six weeks in, 3 lbs & 2% bodyfat down and so far no injuries! So far so good. I highly doubt that I’ll be updating much with training news. I just wanted to share what I’ve been up to lately.

Fitness! Fat! Running away from death! Whoo!


Also, I don’t know how those fitness Instagrammers look all hot when they take workout selfies, but this is what I look like. Red faced, angry, drenched in sweat and my eyes are burning from melting sunscreen in my eyes! Why do I like running again?


Chia Pudding



Years ago I picked up a packet of chia seeds from Trader Joe’s for fun. Once I got home I looked up recipes. I honestly had no idea what to do with the damn things. The most popular thing to do seemed be turning the chia into a simple “pudding.”

So I followed the recipe I found online. When I came back later and checked on my pudding, the entire bowl’s worth had globbed together into one giant chia mush. It was a confusing and disgusting mess. So I gave up. I sprinkled the remaining seeds on my yogurt and oatmeal, and quickly forgot about nonsensical chia puddings.

Fast forward to this week. After having some pretty decent premade chia pudding from Whole Foods, I took a stab at Chia Pudding Version 2. I’m happy to say that it was a success! The secret is that you can always add more liquid. The chia will eat it right up. It’s kind of terrifying to be honest. This chia could take over the world!

Eating gelled chia reminds me of being a kid. It’s a fun food to eat, and the mouthfeel is indescribable. It’s like eating boba, except more exciting because there are hundreds of seeds scrambling about in your mouth.

Because of the water absorption of the chia gel, it will FILL YOU UP. Great for breakfast! The omega-3’s can’t be beat for both joint health and hair, skin and nail radiance. Also, hella fiber. So, uh.. you’ve been warned.

Chocolate Vanilla Chia Pudding


  • 1 and 1/2 cup chocolate almond milk (I like Almond Breeze. Feel free to substitute with the milk of your choice such as soy milk or cow milk. You could also do juice.)
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt


  • Mix ingredients in a Tupperware or mason jar. Stir vigorously with a fork to get the clumps out. Refrigerate a few hours, or overnight. The pudding will have gelled by then. Add more milk if you prefer a thinner and more liquid pudding.
  • Top your pudding with whatever you like- nuts, berries, gummi bears. I like using granola and coconut flakes.
  • Serves 3
Random Internet Thing

Friday! Friday! Haven’t been this excited for a Friday in weeks. What am I going to do this weekend? EAT.SLEEP.KNIT. Let’s look at some links!


I’ve been looking forward to the backlash to EDM, and this Sam Smith cover of “How Will I Know?” does the trick: