Well, here we are at Day 6 of the 30 Day Challenge.
I have gone to yoga 7 times in the last 6 days. Only 23 more to go! HA. HA. HA.
On Friday I did my first “double” – went at noon, took a break, then went back again at 4:30. It really wasn’t as physically rough as I thought it would be, as I paced myself all day long, taking many breaks and not pushing myself as hard as normal. Psychologically I was a little off, but no emotional breakdowns, so success!
I won’t lie, today I’m feeling the newness and excitement wear off. I am anxious because I’m exhausted and things feel like they’re getting harder. Ryan and I are headed out to Austin in the middle of the month for vacation, so I need to fit 3 more doubles in to complete the challenge. Somehow it’s gonna happen. Just not going to think about it too much.
In other news, the Bike Thief has struck again! A month or so ago, in the indoor courtyard at yoga where we park our bikes, the Bike Thief stole Ryan’s handlebars and my back light holder. Ryan fixed his handlebars, this time adding in ball bearings so the bars would be unstealable. Last night the Bike Thief tried to steal his handlebars again, and when that didn’t work out, they took his back brakes! And then today the Bike Thief stole 2 seats from bikes parked in the courtyard. I saw one of the victims trudging down to the bike shop with her seatless bike today… Depressing!
Not sure what to do about the Bicycle Thief, but definitely walking to class whenever I can. :/