Living with Roommates

Well, the “throw some holiday lights in a mason jar” thing finally made it to Real Simple. Saw it while I was scanning this month’s RS in the bath and almost dropped the magazine in the water. Really, Real Simple? It took ya this long? Did one of your writers finally see it on Pinterest or something?
I decided not to be outdone by Real Simple. After my bath I marched into the kitchen, dumped all the quinoa out of the prettiest jar in the pantry, and stuffed in some blue and white LED snowflake lights that we had lying about. I’m undecided about the outcome, but glad that I got it out of my system.
A few things that came to mind after I was done (AKA five minutes later):
They’re cute I guess.
One of my favorite things to do during the weekends when the weather permits is to handwash a few of my “delicate” clothes. I know, it sounds incredibly domestic, doesn’t it? Well I didn’t say that I washed all my clothes this way- that would be too much work !
I like handwashing for many reasons. It saves me laundry money, it preserves my clothes longer (who are you gonna trust with your bras, you or the laundry machine across that street that’s full of gum and hair?), Â and I find it very relaxing.
It sounds so corny, but it’s true: pretty much every time I hand wash my clothes I go into an instant zen meditation. I am no longer thinking. I am:
Try washing your clothes by hand, you might like it! Don’t worry, there’s really no way that you can mess this up.