It is hot out y’all!!!
Today’s Inspiration: Signs of Spring

It is hot out y’all!!!
Well it’s really happening! Ryan and I bought a 60 day unlimited pass for the Bikram Challenge at our yoga studio. Normally I think these things are nuts, but Ryan got really close to making it happen last month. I’m feeling inspired by him-so I think I’m going to do it! Why the hell not? Here are the details:
It is my belief that you are more likely to accomplish goals if you have a clear vision, so here is what I want:
I will be updating my progress on this blog, so do check back! I predict tears and self doubt by next Monday!
A couple of weeks ago I was tooling around on LinkedIn for work and on a whim I decided to import some “friends” via my e-mail address. I don’t know why, I normally stay far far away from these things, as they are a general mess. However this time I decided to stop being so damn conservative online. I took a look through the list of auto-generated contacts, unclicked a couple of people I really didn’t want to connect with, and then sent it on its way.
Fast forward two weeks- I’m getting complaints from exboyfriends and people I don’t know about LinkedIn contacting them on multiple emails, texting their phone, endlessly (even though they don’t have a LI account).
My face is beet red. I know, I should know better. It’s my job to know better! I am terribly embarrassed. Honestly I thought that the worst that could happen is that people would get one email once, not ONE A WEEK to their multiple emails and phone! To remedy the problem, I had to go back to LinkedIn and INDIVIDUALLY withdraw 170+ invitations. What a fucking nightmare! Turns out that LinkedIn sent out more invites than I thought when I scanned the list. It’s really silly, because the LinkedIn email monkeys emailed every single address I’d ever come in contact with on this email- including “Word of the Day”from the Oxford English Dictionary, old friends/boyfriends, jobs and houses I’d applied to, etc…
Well, I’m sorry friends! Sorry for the 3+ emails- I think I have it fixed by now, but do let me know if they keep coming. Sometimes you’re gonna make mistakes on the internet. When that time comes, remember:
Yep, I’m gonna keep telling myself it’s no big deal. >_< Gah!
Oh my. It’s hard to get excited about the upcoming week, I’ll be honest. I’ve been exhausted for weeks now with this mild illness that I just can’t shake. Sometimes I wish I would just be all out sick so I would take the time to get over it. I’ve also got multiple canker sores from hormones/stress, and my wisdom tooth has caused an infection. I am a hot mess, y’all.
Anyways, let’s see… What am I looking forward to this week?
Anyways I am TAKING IT EASY this week. I just want to feel better!
While I was working hard away at my desk this hawk dropped by my window to have a snack. You can barely make out the critter in its talons…
My coworker asked if this was my power animal. What a compliment!