Can I just stay here and drink coffee all day please?
Spring ish

Lady Gaga and Yale expert team up for anti-bullying effort
My old personality psychology professor is doing a study on Lady Gaga’s anti-bullying campaign. Definitely the coolest thing I’ve heard all day.
If you like public radio get your smelling salts ready. Ira Glass was on Rookie’s latest “Ask a Grown Man” segment. Watch the whole 20 minutes if you have time- it’s gold. Basically it’s Ira Glass making a few balloon animals and answering teenage girls’ questions about love and sex. He actually gives really thoughtful advice given the absurd circumstances. Oh, and you learn how to make balloon animals, which is lots of fun.
“…no one is a failure in the middle of a big change. You can’t fail if you’re moving toward something. You fail only if you stop.”
This is why I continue to read Penelope Trunk’s blog. In between the questionable bits about her marriage and life on the farm, there are some real gems.