Meetups: SF Rails / Ruby


Event: [SFRails/ Ruby] Rails Performance Optimization, Bundler, + Internationalizatio­n


6:30 Networking | Food | Drink

7:00 Sharing of Tips and Tools

7:15 Speakers

Talk 1: Rails Performance Optimization
Learn advanced Rails performance optimization tricks, techniques, and processes from the author of the Ruby Performance Optimization book recently published by the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

We’ll talk about what exactly makes Ruby and Rails slow, and ways to fix it by optimizing memory usage first and CPU usage next. We’ll also talk how to make ActiveRecord faster, how to take advantage of your database, and how recent changes in Ruby itself affect Rails performance.

At the Q/A session after the presentation you’ll have a chance to ask your question about Rails performance.

Talk 2: “How Does Bundler Work, Anyway?”

We all use Bundler at some point, and most of us use it every day. But what does it do, exactly? Why do we have to use bundle exec? What’s the point of checking in the Gemfile.lock? Why can’t we just gem install the gems we need? Join me for a walk through the reasons that Bundler exists, and a guide to what actually happens when you use it. Finally, we’ll cover some Bundler “pro tips” that can improve your workflow when developing on multiple applications at once.

Talk 3: Going Global: How to internationalize a Rails App

Localization is key to providing a great user experience for global customers. The rigorous localization efforts by companies like Facebook, Airbnb and Google yielded compelling results both in terms of growth as well as customer appeal. Luckily Rails comes with great internationalization support which makes it easy to start even for any size of app and stage of business. However, localization does not stop with the pure translation of interfaces and contents, but often has further application design as well as technical marketing implications.

8:30 End 

Group: SF Rails / SF Ruby

Location: Lumosity

Experience: I’m subscribed to quite a few Meetup groups, yet somehow nearly missed this event in my feed. I was pretty excited – finally, an event that feels perfectly tailored to me! I’m learning Rails right now and could use some encouragement. I’d heard about the friendliness of the Ruby community, but I was still a little nervous heading into this event. Would I know enough to hang?

It turned out that I shouldn’t have worried. The event organizer took a poll and it turned out that more than half of the group was new to the event, which apparently was how it was at most meetups.

The event was held at Lumosity, they make those brain games and are proud sponsors of our local NPR station every pledge drive 🙂 . This was the biggest meetup I’ve checked out so far, with nearly all of the seats taken. Food and drinks were your standard beer & pizza, can’t complain about that.

Verdict: Glad I went to this event as I met a couple of nice people and enjoyed the talks (especially the one on Bundler).The three speakers didn’t have a ton of time for their presentations, but they each managed to pique my interest in their own way, and I was able to follow along with almost all of it. If you aren’t a Ruby person, it would probably be very boring. Also, it seemed like there was a love/hate relationship with Python, so Python developers beware, LOL. There were a few recruiters there as well, which is something to keep in mind as I start to job hunt. Definitely going to the next event!

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