Meetups: Uber Engineering

Event: Uber Security Open House

We’re pleased to invite you to our first Uber Security Open House on March 16, 2016!

The event will feature both tech talks from members of our team and opportunities to network with people both inside and outside of Uber Security.

We hope you’re able to join us – please RSVP today and look out for more information headed your way as we get closer to the event.

Event schedule:

5:30pm – Check-in, Food, Drink

6:00pm – Tech Talks

7:00pm – 9:00pm Food, Drink, Networking

More info can be found here. We hope to see you on the 16th! 

Group: Uber Engineering 

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Knit Tracker – Sinatra Assessment

When I first saw the Final Projects for the object orientation section of my program, I was intimidated. OO was hard! And creating a CLI gem just sounded like a lot at the time. I felt differently upon reaching the Sinatra assessment. The project requirements seemed simple enough: create a CRUD app using Sinatra and ActiveRecord. As the labs building up to this project had made me do this several times over, I felt ready to create my own. Actually pulling it together wasn’t simple by any stretch, but it was certainly not as intimidating as the CLI gem (which I’m still working on!).

Specific Project Requirements:

  • * Build an MVC Sinatra Application
  • * Use ActiveRecord with Sinatra
  • * Use Multiple Models
  • * Use at least one has_many relationship 
  • * Must have user accounts. The user that created the content should be the only person who can modify that content
  • * Models must have validations to ensure that bad data isn’t created 
  • * Any validation failures must be shown to user with an error message

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Movin’ On Over

Well, after giving Jekyll & GitHub pages a go, I think that hosting my coding blog on my existing WP site makes more sense. It is kind of magical how simple Jekyll can be, and I appreciate the idea behind it, but honestly I was spending more time just trying to get my blog to work right, instead of focusing on the actual blogging. It’s way too easy to go down those rabbit holes…

I’ll be slowly copying over old posts to this work-in-progress blog. I’m not sure what I want to do with my GitHub page, perhaps turn it into a simple about me / landing page or something.

Current Status: In Deep

Me, pretty much…
Me, pretty much…

I originally wrote this on my personal blog, but it’s about my struggles with my coding program, so I’m crossposting here as well. 

So, it’s March. I’m feeling kind of strange, to be honest.

In November I had the excitement of quitting my job, starting my bootcamp and traveling to Japan. In December I went to New Orleans and celebrated the holidays. During January I freelanced, effectively buying myself more time to study and job hunt. I also spent a little of that money sprucing up my apartment.

February. Oh dear February. The great grey ghost of February. After working full time the month before, I felt “behind” in my bootcamp, whatever the hell that means for a mostly self-paced program. Behind the other people in my cohort, behind my targeted end date, and worst of all, behind in my knowledge.

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Meetups: Women Who Code East Bay


Event: Programming and Web Dev Study Group

We recently opened up our Javascript study group to all programming languages – come learn with us!  We’re going through tutorials, working on projects, reviewing each others’ code, and answering questions, all inside some very nice East Bay tech companies.  All levels welcome!


6:30 – 6:45pm – Welcome + dinner

6:45 – 6:50pm – A word from our hosting company, Clef

6:50 – 9pm – Study/hack

Group: Women Who Code East Bay

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers by creating a global, connected community of women in technology. The organization tripled in 2013 and has grown to be one of the largest communities of women engineers in the world.

Women Who code is a professional community for women in tech. We provide an avenue for women to pursue a career in technology, help them gain new skills and hone existing skills for professional advancement, and foster environments where networking and mentorship are valued.

Location: Clef

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