Today I finally dug my Wacom tablet out of my closet. Lately I’ve been feeling more and more ridiculous for owning a pricey tablet but never touching it. What can I say? I don’t draw much anymore. I go through cycles of art and craft. Drawing has always been a part of my life, but after I’d been doing comics in the school paper for a while I totally burnt out. The same thing happened to me and knitting after I worked in a yarn shop for a while. I just had to step away. Then I got into food. I cooked, ate out, then started a blog about cooking and eating. Then I burnt out. I sense a pattern here 🙂
While learning new crafts is great, the excitement and the fizzle I experience every time makes me wonder. One of my deeper insecurities is that I’ll always be a bit of a dabbler in life, good enough at quite a few things but never particularly excelling in anything. I know that this fear is far from true (I mean, I can make SOCKS, and if that isn’t success, I don’t know what is), but hey insecurities are rarely grounded in reality, right?
Anyways, back to drawing. In the past I’ve used my tablet primarily for editing and coloring hand drawn stuff, so my freehand isn’t so great. As a bit of an experiment, I thought it would be fun to do a sketch a day on my tablet. It should improve my hand eye coordination. Or is it hand-eye-laptop-tablet coordination? >_< I’ll try to post something everyday for the short term future, but no promises.
Here’s day one: I quickly scribbled myself, then went to town  with the impressionist brush feature. I need more definition around the neck and my proportions are a bit off, but besides that I think I look very peaceful! I really look like my dad, sheesh.